The team

is a co-founder of the company. He watches over the organization and logistics and also is in charge of the excavation work on projects. His long experience has permitted him to develop new work techniques in order to meet the challenges of the trade.

a co-founder of our company has been passionate about horticulture from a very early age. During his travels, Jasmin has studied wall construction, tree and flower planting as well as learning about various styles of gardens of these exotic countries. Jasmin combines all of this information to impact your project.

joined the team in 2004. He is the project manager and is a master of masonery as well as of horticulture. His method and discipline make him our man of confidence indispensable to the company.
Our associates

has been recognized for the quality of it's innovative Award-winning design for over 20 years. Myke has demonstrated his long time committement to landscape achitecture, his contribution were recognized when he was recently name a fellow of the CSLA.

began work in the creative field in 1970’s. Randle has enigmatic passion that project boundless energy and drive for the creation of exeptionnal landscape. He realized projects across Africa, the Americas, the Carribean, Russia, Indian ocean and Asia.